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Writer's pictureBostnMike

"Consolidation Station"

It's been a minute... and mostly because there's not much to report. But, for those counting, we're at DOT +70! Time flies when you're having fun, right!?

So what's been going on? Well, mostly just recovery from the transplant. But man, it's boring! I still have 20 days before I can start getting re-immunized... First up will be Flu, Shingles, and Covid. But until then, just playing it safe and not getting sick. <knocks wood> So far, so good!

And now I find myself at "Consolidation Station" - sort of like Conjunction Junction -#SchoolHouseRock. Actually, it's called "Consolidation Therapy". What is that you ask?

Well, consolidation therapy for multiple myeloma is given after a stem cell transplant. It's a short course of chemotherapy that helps make the previous chemotherapy treatment and stem cell transplant work better. It also helps to keep the multiple myeloma in remission longer.

So, on Tuesday, October 24th (DOT+65), I began the therapy. It is very similar in terms of treatment to "Induction Therapy" (a.k.a. "Phase 1"). And just like the latter, these are twenty-one-day cycles that include oral and injected forms of chemo and a couple of doses of immunotherapy.

So far, my response has been the same. There are some minor aches, but overall, the treatments are "uneventful."

The plan is for two rounds of treatment during this phase. So, the last infusion will happen just before the end of November, a few days after Thanksgiving. And in early December, we'll take stock and see how my body has responded.

I'm still getting used to the chrome dome. It's not easy. There are limited "signs of follicle life," but not really much to write home about... everything I'm reading says three to six months... so based on current "results" (or lack thereof), I'm guessing it's going to be closer to the six and the three. I've also been warned it could be a different thickness and/or texture...

I'm happy to be back at work (well, still playing catch-up) after being away for those seven weeks and doing my best to keep balance and not overdo it. It's still a struggle for me, but I'm getting better at it ... I think.

Managing #FOMO is the hardest part. This past week, our senior leadership was all together in Vancouver for planning and alignment for '24. And since I'm not able to travel right now, I was not able to participate. It was a double downer since Vancouver is one of my favorite cities.

The team is also gearing up for next year's "Launchpad" Event (Sales Kick-Off), which will take place in Las Vegas. When I mentioned it to my Oncologist, his response was... "Usually, I'm worried about the travel and not the destination. In your case... it's the reverse... and NO, you can't go to Vegas in January". So, being on the outside looking in will be really rough.

So I'll keep focusing on what I can control... which, it turns out, -aside from my attitude- is not much at all.

The push towards "maintenance" continues!

I know this was a short one, but sometimes no news is good news!

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Nov 05, 2023

Mike, you’re amazing. You’re managing to keep it real and infuse your humor into your updates. I feel your pain about your hair loss. Most times. I forget that my hair is gone. Then a stranger gives me a long stare and it hits me that it’s because I have a chrome dome. 😊

I’m told that once my strong chemo is done (2 more to go) and I start maintenance chemo, my hair will grow back. I’m wondering what it will look lik….

Keep doing what you’re doing. You are in my prayers every day along with myself and all of us fighting these awful cancers.

You got this! 💪🏼


Oct 31, 2023

Thank you for the update Mike! Great to hear you are back at work. More thoughts, prayers and positivity coming your way as you make your way through the process.


Kat Lyons Koornick
Kat Lyons Koornick
Oct 30, 2023

Can't wait to see the new hairdo! #belike mike


Danny Allan
Danny Allan
Oct 29, 2023

You were very much missed in Vancouver Mike. Still in our prayers. #belikemike

Oct 29, 2023
Replying to

Cheers Danny! Miss you guys!


Oct 29, 2023

When I read " keep the multiple myeloma in remission longer", it feels like good news.

Color your Mother!

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